Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you. 

East Crawford WSC Water Rates


Monthly Minimum:                                        $60.00

Water Rates:      The $/1000 gallon rate is:

0 - 4000 gallons                            $4.00
4001 - 13,000 gallons                    $5.50
13001 – 30,000 gallons                 $7.50
30,001 – and above gallons        $9.50

Average Billing Examples:

2000 Gallons                           $68.00

5000 Gallons                           $81.50

10,000 Gallons                        $109.00

25,000 Gallons                        $207.50